Monday, November 19, 2007

The life of Mohammed (BBC News)

Somalis is said to be a war-torn country. Many people deal with sickness and dying. Mohammed gave his story as being a nomadic farmer living near the Somalia-Ethiopian border but is currently displaced in Galcayo in Puntland because of being so sick. He was unaware that he had tuberculosis. Once while farming he started coughing heavily and the man he was working with said he too had the same symptoms and found out he had tuberculosis. He told Mohammed that he had traveled to Galcayo to receive treatment.

Mohammed herded goats and camels. In order to pay for his trip and treatment he had to do what most other farmers in need of money do, sell his animals. Do to a drought he had to wait for the weather to recover so his animals could get fat again in order to get more money for them. During this wait he got more and more sick. He only ended up selling one camel so he could keep the rest of his animals for his family to take care of while he was gone.

Mohammed stated if it wasn't for that man that say he would have never found out about his illness and probably would have died. He said that this occurs quite often and women often die due to child birth complications. Its hard to believe that so many people die from these things due to a lack in money and medical advances in their community.

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